Give me a "Chai Five"
Be a part of a great youth club, the "Chai Five" club for Grades K - 3. There’ll be trips, pizza parties, contests and a really great time. In addition to all the activities, you'll also be part of social action to help others. Remember you’re a kid, so have fun — but you're old enough to make a difference.
Check back for details on the 2005-06 Chai Five events. In the mean time, click here for the 2005-06 Hebrew School calendar which shows the 2005-06 Chai Five Events and their dates & times.
Below was our 2004 - 05 Schedule
Sunday, Oct. 17, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Chai Five gets rolling with our 1st great event. Location: Lake Forest Lanes.
Cost: $8 members, $10 non-members
Making a Difference: Mitzvah campaign.
Sunday, Nov. 21, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Chanukah Cooking Competition
Location: CJC; 3rd grade Hebrew School students will be served sandwiches for lunch.
Cost: $8 members, $10 non-members
Making a Difference: We'll record books on tape for the children of "Chai Lifeline" - an organization that provides vital services for terminally ill Jewish children.
Monday, Dec. 20, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Antarctica - Ice Skating & Ice Cream Bar
Make stuffed bears for hospitalized children. Bring along a sweater! The only thing cooler than the ice cream we'll be eating is the ice we'll be skating on.
Location: Ice Palace in Aliso Viejo
Cost: $10 members, $12 non-members
Making a Difference: We'll create stuffed bears for hospitalized children at CHOC Hospital.
Saturday Evening, Jan. 15, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Havdallah Pizza Party
Stories, games, & a grand raffle!
Location: CJC
Cost: $8 members, $10 non-members
Making a Difference: Bring non-perishable foods to be delivered to the food bank.
Sunday, March 13, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Hamentashen Baking & Mishloach Manot Packing
Location: CJC
Cost: $5 members, $7 non-members
Making a Difference: We'll pack the Shalach Manot & prepare it for delivery fo seniors at Heritage Pointe.
Sunday, April 3, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Make Matzah Cover w/Local Seniors
3rd grade Hebrew School students will receive lunch & then be carpooled to Heritage Pointe retirement home. All other children should meet at Heritage Point at 27356 Bellogente, Mission Viejo (949-364-9685). Parents should pick up their children at Heritage Pointe at 3:00 pm.
Location: CJC & Heritage Pointe
Cost: $5 members, $7 non-members. Please RSVP by email or phone.
Making a Difference: We'll be bringing the spirit of Passover to others.
Volunteers Needed: to drive 3rd grade students to Heritage Point.
Membership is $36 for the year, or Free if you are enrolled in Hebrew School.
T-Shirts are available for $7.