Scholarships and Grants
Camp Gan Israel is an exciting summer camp that every Jewish child should experience. The Circle, The Ethel Stein Camp scholarship funds and The Jewish Federation Orange County grants enables dozens of children to enjoy this experience each year.
Scholarship and Grant Requests
If you would like to send your child to camp but have a financial hardship preventing you from doing so, please apply for the grant and scholarship assistence program. We still require a deposit per child per session; however, we will not process the deposit until the grant and scholarship procedure is completed.
Complete the application process using the links below and submit a $50 deposit per child per week. Each application will be reviewed and awarded based on need and funding available.
There are 2 sources for Scholarship and Grant funding, each with their own process.
SGI Scholarship Application (PDF)
JFOC Passport to Jewish Life (email)
The Jewish Federation of Orange County (JFOC) provides a scholarship program for qualified individuals. Click on the link above to request a Passport to Jewish Life application via email. Kathleen from the JFOC will respond.
Make a Contribution to the Scholarship Fund
Camp Silver Gan Israel is a camp dedicated to enriching the lives of children from diverse Jewish backgrounds and affiliations through a stimulating camping experience. Give a child the summer of a lifetime by sponsoring him or her to attend Silver Gan Israel.
Sponsor a Child for 1 day: $48; 1 week: $220; 2 weeks: $440; the entire Summer: $660, or any other amount. Click the Donate button below.