Remodel Your Foundation
What happens to you when you are in a crisis? Are you prepared? Who is the real you? Can you do anything about the real you?
Do you know who you really are? What happens when the ground under your feet becomes very shaky, you are no longer on solid ground, when your very foundations of life are in question? Many of us have experienced this in various ways; it could be the economy, your parents or other role models that have failed you or a serious illness in the family.
We come to rely on certain foundations and many times they are taken out from under our feet. When that happens we go back to a place in our brain and psyche that is kind of our core. Similar to people who have learned a language when they were older and how they revert back to that original language when they are in distress. So to we have a certain pattern in our brain that is our original language or way of thinking about life and we revert to that way of thinking in difficult times. This is our foundation, the real me. Which is why we see different responses to crisis, some respond with strength and some break down. The ones who are strong have a strong foundation that they fall back on while the others don’t.
Where does that foundation come from?
The foundation is developed when we are young and is a combination of our in-born personality and the educational, cultural, religious and family environment we grew up in. Your parents, teachers and role models played a role in shaping your foundation. Your peers and siblings can also influence your foundation as well. The way you think of yourself, your outlook on life, your belief system are all products of your personal predisposition and your environment.
The foundation of every building is its most important element and for the most part is not seen and therefore taken for granted. Our own foundations are also not seen and many times taken for granted until it is sometimes too late.
What exactly is a foundation of life?
It is our belief system, what we believe.
1. What we believe about our selves; am I a good person, capable, successful or am I no good, a failure and hopeless. As long as things are good I don’t have to think about these heavy and deep things, however when my world begins to crumble those beliefs will guide my reaction. People, who at their core and in their foundation, think of themselves as failures will fall apart, while those that think of themselves as successes will stand strong.
2. What we believe about the world; is the world inherently good or bad? If we believe it to be good then when things go south for us we still maintain our faith that things will get better if not we begin to lose hope and give up.
3. What we believe about G-d; is G-d a personal, caring and capable G-d, or distant, impotent and impersonal or something in between. If you believe that G-d is good and personal and knowing that ultimately G-d is in control then everything that happens even the very difficult wont crush the person. If one believes that G-d is not in control then life can be crushing at times.
Can you change your core, your foundation?
It is easier to build a life foundation when you are young, but you can and many times must change it as you get older.
If you are a parent, a mentor or a role model take the time to think about how you can influence their foundation of life and how you want their foundation to look like.
For ourselves we need to think about our own personal foundations and how we can remodel them. Instead of waiting for a crisis to find out how strong your foundation is, try improving it and reflecting on it now.
How can you change or improve your foundation?
It is changed by education, role models, healthy relationships and praying. (Yes praying, praying is not just asking G-d to help you, but also the time we are supposed to take what we have learned intellectually, apply it to our selves and make real changes.)
What happens if you are in a crisis and you are finding that the foundation you thought you had is not there? What if you never had a strong foundation, what do you do then? Is there any hope?
Every person has a hidden foundation deep in their soul and no matter what kind of foundation you have built based on your personality or environment, your hidden foundation is always there, it is strong, perfect and accessible. That is why you can find people who do not have a strong foundation yet are able to find hidden strength in times of extreme need.
Are there any practical tips to remodeling my foundation?
There are many practical applications of this.
1. The first thing is to always start with the smallest and the easiest, start practicing being stronger and having a stronger foundation with small and easy things. Find areas in your life that with little effort you could change your attitude and foundation, whether it is in family issues, friends, economic. For example when you have a small crisis don’t run away from the problem take it head on, try studying Torah in an easy and non threatening way; like going online and listening to lectures about Jewish values and faith ( or, or by giving a small amount of charity to the cause of your choice even though you don’t have a lot of money. These are 3 small ways to improve and remodel your foundation.
2. One of the best things that will help in remodeling your foundation is finding a spiritual mentor or guide, someone that can get to know you and give you objective advice. As our sages have said, “Get yourself a teacher/guide/mentor”. Helping your children understand the value in this at an early age can really help them as they grow. If you would like one, CJC helps people find spiritual mentors, you can contact CJC at [email protected].
May we merit to have the ultimate teacher/mentor/guide, Moshiach, who will guide us all out of this exile and bring us to a state of redemption, a time when our foundation will be solid and everlasting.
Happy remodeling!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Zalman Marcus